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The Transmission of Daoist Art of Healing into Western TCM
From the Huang-Lao Daoism over the 5 transformation phases (wu xing) to Sigmund Freud and C.G.Jung

1.    Chinese and Western ontological conceptual ideas
Since the 20th century, Daoist ideas about illness and health have been increasingly assimilated into the Western world of thought. The filter of exotism brought about a punctual and noncritical transformation into the healing science, whereby the ontological concepts gave answers to the profound question of existence that modern Westerners came to in the face of individualization and secularization.
The idea, that heart and brain are the supreme parts of man deeply influenced their explanation of the Chinese view of human being. 
And up to today many practitioners of Chinese Medicine in Western countries are following this hierarchical order, trying to treat the soul via the heart –according their western interpretation of the “soul” 
But there are some facts i


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