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Research Institute for Chinese Philosophy, Healthcare and Art

Chinaresearch Munich

Dagmar Hemm Ph.D.

Independent Scholar

Andreas A. Noll

Visiting Prof. (Chengdu Univ), B.A.

Independent Scholar

Ph.D.: Sinology, anthropology and economy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1986-1995
Thesis: Ways of Women’s Emancipation in China – Radicalism and Idealism of Women’s Emancipation as seen in Magazines during the May Forth Era (1919)

Chinese language studies 1988-89 in Taiwan, Taibei at the Mandarin Training Center

Since 1999 TCM Practitioner in my own clinic in Munich

Study of Religious Sciences and Sinology at Freie Universität Berlin, B.A.
Thesis: Gender in Daoism of Song (2008)
Visiting Professor at Chengdu University of TCM since 2006
Since 1984 TCM practitioner in my own clinics in Berlin and Munich
Founder of the TCM School Shouzhong, Berlin 1990

1999 – 2005 President of AGTCM (German Acupuncture and TCM Association)

Chairman and organizer of the philosophical and sinological panels at the Rothenburg International TCM-Conference 2006-2012

Charirman panel Infertility Treatment 2009-2014

Wege und Irrwege der Frauenbefreiung in China,Radikalismus und Idealismus der Frauenemanzipation gesehen in Zeitschriftenbeiträgen aus der Vierten-Mai-Ära (1916-1922), Inaugural Dissertation, edition glabl, 1996

Nakedness and Corporeality: Understanding the body and corporeality in China’s medicine and art, Thieme 2008

Menopause - natural process or disease, what the classics say, The Lantern 2008

Treating infertility with TCM, Hippokrates 2007 (Co-author)

Treating the elder patient with TCM, Elsevier 2006 (Co-author)

Stress related diseases, prevention and treatment with TCM, Elsevier 2006 (Co-author)

Die Organuhr: Gesund im Einklang mit unseren natürlichen Rhythmen (zusammen mit A.Noll), GU 2012 + 2015

Organbalance (zusammen mit A.Noll), Gräfe und Unzer, 2014


Handbuch der Phytotherapie, MZ-Verlag, 1989 (vergriffen)

Die Wandlungsphasen in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin, Band 1-5 1992-2004, Müller & Steinicke, München (Autorenteam mit U. Lorenzen)

TCM für 50+ (Hg. mit B. Ziegler), Müller & Steinicke, 2013

Stresskrankheiten: Vorbeugen und behandeln mit chinesischer Medizin (Hg. mit B. Kirschbaum), Elsevier, 2006

Patientenratgeber Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin: Heilen mit Akupunktur, Akupressur, chinesischen Kräutern und Qigong, Müller & Steinicke, 2013

Kinderwunsch - Natürliche Wege zum Wunschkind (mit C. Gnoth), Gräfe und Unzer 2009, 

Chinesische Medizin bei Fertilitätsstörungen (Hg), Hippokrates 2008

Chinese Medicine in Fertility Disorders (Hg. S. Wilms), Thieme 2009

Die Organuhr: Gesund im Einklang mit unseren natürlichen Rhythmen (zusammen mit D. Hemm), GU 2012 + 2015

Organbalance (zusammen mit D. Hemm), Gräfe und Unzer, 2014

Verdauungs - Ratgeber Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin, Müller & Steinicke, 2016

Frau im Dao, BoD – Books on Demand, Norderstedt,2016

Kinderwunsch-Ganzheitliche und schulmedizinische Wege (mit C.Gnoth), Zuckschwerdt 2016

Hashimoto Thyreoiditis-Ratgeber TCM (mit V. Haslauer), Müller&Steinicke, 2017

Events since 2009:

Events 2009

6. International Daoism Conference, Wudangshan

First International Summit on Laozi and Daoist Culture
Invited Speaker:
D.Hemm: Emptiness xu as an Expression of wuwei in Classical Chinese Pictorial Art
A.Noll: Gender, Daoism and Healthcare Yangsheng

Events 2010

3rd International Conference on Modernization of TCM, Chengdu/China
Invited Speaker:
A.Noll: Chinese Medicine in Europe and Germany

Religious Sciences - Kyoto /Japan

TCM Conference Rothenburg/Germany: Fertility Symposium/Transformation, Chairman

Events 2011

7th International Daoism Conference, Nanyue/China
A.Noll: Infertility from Han Dynasty to IVF; D.Hemm: Activating Cosmic Timing in the Treatment of Women

Diabetes and TCM, Chengdu, November 5th-6th, Diabetes and the treatment with Acupuncture/Yangsheng; Results of scientific research

Munich, Nov. 12th, TCM and geriatric diseases

Dresden, Nov. 19th; Workshops about Tongue Diagnosis and environmental anxiety

Events 2012

Weilheim, April/-May: 2 workshops about Tongue diagnosis

43rd TCM Kongress Rothenburg from 15th to 20th May, 2012, Theme Day Manager Fertility Symposium I + II

8th International Conference on Daoist Studies, Utting am Ammersee, Germany, June 6-10, 2012: Gender, male roles and eunuchs in China

Aurangabad, India, Acupuncture Conference

Dresden, November 17th, Pulse-Diagnosis, Tongue Diagnosis (workshops)

Events 2013

Weilheim, March: 2 workshops about Tongue diagnosis

44th TCM Kongress Rothenburg May, 2013, Theme Day Manager Fertility Symposium I + II/ Meeting of TCM-Infertility-Experts

Herbal excursion Sichuan/China June 2013

4th International Conference on Modernization of TCM, Chengdu/China

Religious Sciences Tibet/Nepal

Dresden, Workshops Immune System, Autoimmune Diseases

Events 2014

Religious Sciences - Kyoto /Japan

45th TCM Kongress Rothenburg, Fertility Symposium, Chairman

Dresden, Workshops TCM-Diagnosis

Events 2015

Religious Sciences - Bhutan, Buddhism

Dresden, Workshops TCM-Diagnosis

Events 2016

5th International Conference on Modernization of TCM, Chengdu/China

Religious Sciences - Dunhuang caves, early Buddhism

46th TCM Kongress Rothenburg, Hashimoto Symposium, Chairman

Dresden, Workshops TCM-Diagnosis

Events 2017

Religious Sciences - Kyoto /Tokyo Japan

Daosm Conference Paris, Nanterre: Daoism and the western ideas of heeling

47th TCM Kongress Rothenburg

Dresden, Workshops TCM-Diagnosi?s

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